5/10/2014 – Dreams: “The Royal Road to the Unconscious” Seminar by Thayer Greene

Saturday May 10th, 2014 10am-3pm Smith Campus’s Seelye Hall, Rm 105

Dreams: “The Royal Road to the Unconscious”
A Seminar by Thayer Greene

Date:  Saturday May 10th, 2014 10am-3pm

Location: Smith Campus’s Seelye Hall, Rm 105

Cost: a voluntary contribution of $30 or less depending on what you can afford

Both Freud and Jung understood the profound importance of our dreams as revelatory of what lies below the surface of our conscious life. This seminar will provide an intensive exploration of the structure of dreams, significance of initial dreams, the personal and archetypal layers of dreams, the diagnostic and prognostic value of dreams and much more.

Thayer Greene, Ph.D., is a graduate of the Jung Institute of New York, and a training analyst at the Jung Institute of Boston. He has a private practice in Amherst.  

To confirm that you are coming please call Thayer at 413-253-9343 and leave your name and phone number.